SG11 PREMIUM CD 4D Live ( Full Spec )


✓ Main Unit with 21,5″ High Resolution LCD Monitor Rotatable : -90°~95°, Foldable: 0°~90°
✓ Rotatable keyboard: -45°~45°
✓ 4D Package + Virtual HD software
✓ 4 Probe connectors active
✓ 500G Hard Disk, DVD-R/W, and 6 USB Port
✓ Imaging modes: B, 2B, 4B, B/M,B/C,CFM,PW,Power Doppler / Directional PD
✓ Chroma B & M & PW Full Screen
✓ Instant Triplex, Duplex, Quadplex, Trapezoidal, Intelligent Doppler
✓ Automatic PW Trace and Measurement in Real Time
✓ Super Image Module: FHI, Multiple Compound Imaging, SRA ( Speckle Reduction Algorithm ), AIO
✓ Q-Image, X contrast, Q-beam, Q-flow (intelligent image optimisation)
✓ Measurement & Calculation Software Packages: General, OBGYN, Cardiac
✓ Color Doppler Package :
Elastography, Curved Panoramic Imaging, Super Needle, 2D steer, IMT, DICOM 3.0
✓ MI/TI < 1

Transfer Data Via Bluetooth / Wireless

✓ Cardiac Package :
ECG License, CW, Free Steering M Mode, Color M Mode, TDI,Stress Echo

Image Quality SG11 Premium CD 4D Live HD (FS)

Probe Option SG11 Premium CD 4D Live HD (FS)

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